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Solving interdisciplinary problems from science and engineering using computer simulation

Today, many problems in science and engineering can only be tackled successfully by means of computer based simulation. Therefore, there is a big demand in both academia and industry for scientists and professionals who, beside domain expertise, have profound knowledge in numerical methods and computer science. In recent years, curricula in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) have been introduced in the US and in Europe. They are interdisciplinary and application oriented and concentrate on problem solving taking by means of computer simulation.

CSE involves mathematical modelling, the use of numerical methods for analyzing scientific problems and advanced software implementation. CSE is distinct from computer science, but also from traditional sciences that rely on theory and experiment. CSE responds to the emergence of computer simulation as a third way of gaining insight complementing theory and experiment.

CSE graduates command comprehensive skills required for the development and use of tools for computer simulation. They are aware of the specific needs of application areas and, thus, can make a key contribution in interdisciplinary teams towards the computer based solution of complex problems.

Description of CSE by the Department of Mathematics (D-MATH) at ETH

In particular, CSE students show great interest in modern topics such as Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing (particularly in our native language C++), Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence, Computational Statistics, Optimisation, and Data Science. Computational scientist advance the fields of Astrophysics, Atmospherical Physics, Chemistry, Fluid Dynamics, Control Theory, Robotics, Physics, Computational Finance, Electromagnetics, Geophysics and even Biology with their expertise and curiosity and maybe also your institution someday!